hospitals icon

Hospitals Python Library

From the CORGIS Dataset Project

By Dennis Kafura
Version 1.0.0, created 6/10/2019
Tags: hospitals, health care, medical, hospital costs, hospital quality


The data set allows consumers to directly compare across hospitals performance measure information related to heart attack, emergency department care, preventive care, stroke care, and other conditions. The data is part of an Administration-wide effort to increase the availability and accessibility of information on quality, utilization, and costs for effective, informed decision-making.

Explore Structure

Each row represents a single hospital in a given US city as of April 2019.

Index Type Example Value
0 dict { }
1 dict (same structure)
2 dict (same structure)
... ... ...
Key Type Example Value Description
"Facility" dict { }
"Rating" dict { }
"Procedure" dict { }
Key Type Example Value Description
"Name" str "Southeast Alabama Medical Center" Name of the hospital
"City" str "Dothan" City in which the hospital is located
"State" str "AL" Two letter capitalized abbreviation of the State in which the hospital is located (e.g., AZ is Arizona)
"Type" str "Government" Kind of organization operating the hospital: one of Government, Private, Proprietary, Church, or Unknown
Key Type Example Value Description
"Overall" int 2 Overall rating between 1 and 5 stars, with 5 stars being the highest rating; -1 represents no rating.
"Mortality" str "Below" Above, Same, Below, or Unknown comparison to national hospital mortality
"Safety" str "Above" Above, Same, Below, or Unknown comparison to national hospital safety
"Readmission" str "Below" Above, Same, Below, or Unknown comparison to national hospital readmission
"Experience" str "Below" Above, Same, Below, or Unknown comparison to national hospital patience experience
"Effectiveness" str "Same" Above, Same, Below, or Unknown comparison to national hospital effectiveness of care
"Timeliness" str "Above" Above, Same, Below, or Unknown comparison to national hospital timeliness of care
"Imaging" str "Same" Above, Same, Below, or Unknown comparison to national hospital effective use of imaging
Key Type Example Value Description
"Heart Attack" dict { }
"Heart Failure" dict { }
"Pneumonia" dict { }
"Hip Knee" dict { }
Key Type Example Value Description
"Cost" int 23394 Average cost of care for heart attacks
"Quality" str "Average" Lower, Average, Worse, or Unknown comparison to national quality of care for heart attacks
"Value" str "Average" Lower, Average, Worse, or Unknown comparison to national cost of care for heart attacks
Key Type Example Value Description
"Cost" int 17041 Average cost of care for heart failure
"Quality" str "Average" Lower, Average, Worse, or Unknown comparison to national quality of care for heart failures
"Value" str "Average" Lower, Average, Worse, or Unknown comparison to national cost of care for heart failures
Key Type Example Value Description
"Cost" int 18281 Average cost of care for pneumonia
"Quality" str "Average" Lower, Average, Worse, or Unknown comparison to national quality of care for pneumonia
"Value" str "Average" Lower, Average, Worse, or Unknown comparison to national cost of care for pneumonia
Key Type Example Value Description
"Cost" int 25812 Average cost of care for hip or knee conditions
"Quality" str "Average" Lower, Average, Worse, or Unknown comparison to national quality of care for hip or knee conditions
"Value" str "Higher" Lower, Average, Worse, or Unknown comparison to national cost of care for hip or knee conditions


Download all of the following files.



import hospitals
hospitals = hospitals.get_hospitals()


Returns a list of dictionaries representing Hospitals.