emissions icon

Emissions Python Library

From the CORGIS Dataset Project

By Dennis Kafura
Version 1.0.0, created 6/24/2019
Tags: emissions, CO2, green house gas, pollution


The data setis a multipurpose, independent, global database of anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases and air pollution on Earth. EDGAR provides independent emission estimates compared to what reported by European Member States or by Parties under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) part of an Administration-wide effort to increase the availability and accessibility of information on quality, utilization, and costs for effective, informed decision-making.


Explore Structure

Each row represents gas emission report.

Index Type Example Value
0 dict { }
1 dict (same structure)
2 dict (same structure)
... ... ...
Key Type Example Value Description
"Country" str "Afghanistan" The name of a country
"Year" int 1970 The year of the emissions (1970-2012)
"Emissions" dict { }
"Ratio" dict { }
Key Type Example Value Description
"Type" dict { }
"Sector" dict { }
Key Type Example Value Description
"CO2" float 2670.0 The amount of carbon dioxide in kilo tons
"N2O" float 1820.0 The amount of nitrous oxide in equivalent kilotons of CO2
"CH4" float 12800.0 The amount of methane in equivalent kilotons of CO2
Key Type Example Value Description
"Power Industry" float 0.06 Emissions from the power industry; measured in equivalent kilotons of CO2.
"Buildings" float 0.58 Emissions from the infrastructure of buildings; measured in equivalent kilotons of CO2.
"Transport" float 0.23 Emissions from means of transportation; measured in equivalent kilotons of CO2.
"Other Industry" float 0.07 Emissions from the other industrical combustion; measured in equivalent kilotons of CO2.
"Other sectors" float 0.53 Emissions from various other sectors; measured in equivalent kilotons of CO2.
Key Type Example Value Description
"Per GDP" float 1.557705 The amount of green house gas emissions per $1,000 of GDP; measured in equivalent kilo tons of CO2.
"Per Capita" float 0.0 The amount of green house gas emissions for each person; measured in equivalent kilo tons of CO2.


Download all of the following files.

  1. emissions.py
  2. emissions.data


import emissions
emissions = emissions.get_emissions()


Returns a list of dictionaries representing Emissions.