broadway icon

Broadway Python Library

From the CORGIS Dataset Project

By Austin Cory Bart
Version 2.0.0, created 11/1/2015
Tags: broadway, musical, theatre, tickets


This library holds data about over Broadway shows, grouped over weeklong periods. Only shows that reported capacity were included, so the dataset stretches back to the 1990s. The dataset is made available by the Broadway League (the national trade association for the Broadway industry), and you can view the data online at

Explore Structure

Each row represents $MISSING_FIELD.

Index Type Example Value
0 dict { }
1 dict (same structure)
2 dict (same structure)
... ... ...
Key Type Example Value Description
"Date" dict { }
"Show" dict { }
"Statistics" dict { }
Key Type Example Value Description
"Day" int 26 The day of the month that this performance's week ended on.
"Full" str "8/26/1990" The full date representation that this performance's week ended on in "Month/Day/Year" format.
"Month" int 8 The numeric month that this performance's week ended in (1 = January, 2 = February, etc.).
"Year" int 1990 The year that this week of performances occurred in.
Key Type Example Value Description
"Name" str "Tru" The name of the production.
"Theatre" str "Booth" The name of the theatre.
"Type" str "Play" Whether it is a "Musical", "Play", or "Special".
Key Type Example Value Description
"Attendance" int 5500 The total number of people who attended performances over the week.
"Capacity" int 88 The percentage of the theatre that was filled during that week.
"Gross" int 134456 The "Gross Gross" of this performance, or how much it made in total across the entire week. Measured in dollars.
"Gross Potential" int 0 The Gross Potential is the maximum amount an engagement can possibly earn based on calculations involving ticket prices, seating capacity, and the number of performances. This number is expressed here as a percentage of what could have been achieved (Gross Gross / Gross Potential). In case the GP could not be calculated, it was replaced with 0%.
"Performances" int 8 The number of performances that occurred this week.


Download all of the following files.



import broadway
production = broadway.get_production()


Returns a list of dictionaries representing production.