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Weather CSV File

From the CORGIS Dataset Project

By Austin Cory Bart, Ryan Whitcomb
Version 2.0.0, created 6/13/2016
Tags: weather, rain, snow, sleet, fog, temperature, wind, climate, environment, geology


Under the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the National Weather Service provides daily weather reports for cities across the county. This is done through the use of 122 different Weather Forcast Offices throughout the country. These WFOs are responsible for the daily weather reports for serveral cities throughout their region of coverage. This data set takes the information from these WFO reports for cities across the country and summarizes it at the weekly level for all of 2016.


Download the following file:

Key Descriptions

Key List of... Comment Example Value
Data.Precipitation Float The average amount of rain, in inches. 0.0
Date.Full String A full string representation of the date this report was made. "2016-01-03"
Date.Month Integer The month of the year that this report was made. 1
Date.Week of Integer The first day of the week that this report was made. 3
Date.Year Integer The year that this report was made. 2016
Station.City String The city that the reporting station sends its data to. Note that the recording station itself might actually be in a different city. "Birmingham"
Station.Code String The unique code representing this station. "BHM"
Station.Location String The exact location of this recording station. Note that the recording station itself might be in a different location than where it sends its data. "Birmingham, AL"
Station.State String The state that the reporting station sends its data to. Note that the recording station itself might actually be in a different state. "Alabama"
Data.Temperature.Avg Temp Integer The average recorded temperature on this week, in degrees Fahrenheit. 39
Data.Temperature.Max Temp Integer The highest recorded temperature on this week, in degrees Fahrenheit. 46
Data.Temperature.Min Temp Integer The lowest recorded temperature on this week, in degrees Fahrenheit. 32
Data.Wind.Direction Integer The average wind direction for that week, in degrees. 33
Data.Wind.Speed Float The average windspeed for that week, in Miles per Hour. 4.33