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Slavery CSV File

From the CORGIS Dataset Project

By Ryan Whitcomb
Version 2.0.0, created 5-17-16
Tags: slavery, slave, slaves, buyer, seller, origin, history, economics


This dataset has financial records of New Orleans slave sales, 1856-1861. There are almost 16,000 sales recorded in this dataset.

<Calomiris, Charles W., and Jonathan Pritchett. 2016. “Betting on Secession: Quantifying Political Events Surrounding Slavery and the Civil War.” American Economic Review, 106(1): 1-23.>


Download the following file:

Key Descriptions

Key List of... Comment Example Value
Buyer.County of Origin String $MISSING_FIELD "Unknown"
Buyer.Full Name String $MISSING_FIELD "Maria Hopson"
Buyer.Origin String $MISSING_FIELD "Unknown, Unknown"
Buyer.State of Origin String $MISSING_FIELD "Unknown"
Seller.County of Origin String $MISSING_FIELD "Unknown"
Seller.Full Name String $MISSING_FIELD "Benjamin Screws"
Seller.Origin String $MISSING_FIELD "Unknown, AL"
Seller.State of Origin String $MISSING_FIELD "AL"
Slave.Age Float $MISSING_FIELD 40.0
Slave.Gender String $MISSING_FIELD "M"
Slave.Name String $MISSING_FIELD "Shadrack"
Slave.Skin Color String $MISSING_FIELD "Unknown"
Transaction.Date String $MISSING_FIELD "10/6/1856"
Transaction.Number of Adult Slaves Integer $MISSING_FIELD 1
Transaction.Number of Child Slaves Integer $MISSING_FIELD 0
Transaction.Number of Total Slaves Purchased Integer $MISSING_FIELD 1
Transaction.Sale Details.Discount Rate Float $MISSING_FIELD 0.00602698
Transaction.Sale Details.Payment Method String $MISSING_FIELD "Cash"
Transaction.Sale Details.Predicted Interest Rate Float $MISSING_FIELD 0.07477
Transaction.Sale Details.Price Float $MISSING_FIELD 650.0
Transaction.Sale Details.Prices Listed Integer $MISSING_FIELD 1