hydropower icon

Hydropower BlockPy Library

From the CORGIS Dataset Project

By Ryan Whitcomb
Version 2.0.0, created 6/1/2016
Tags: hydropower, dams, lakes, rivers, waterways, irrigation, human consumption, industrial use, aquaculture, navigability, energy, electricity


Recent Federal policies and legislation focus on moving the nation towards a cleaner energy economy that includes developing environmentally appropriate renewable energy projects involving solar, wind and waves, geothermal, biofuels, and hydropower. The 2010 Federal Memorandum of Understanding for Hydropower and the Energy Policy Act of 2005 direct the U.S. Department of Reclamation to evaluate development of new hydropower projects at Federally-owned facilities and upgrade or rehabilitate existing hydropower generation facilities, as a contribution to the nation’s clean energy goals. The following data describes the facilities currently being operated that contribute to nationwide renewable energy strategies.


Key Descriptions

Key List of... Comment Example Value
Dimensions.Crest Elevation Float $MISSING_FIELD 1520.0
Dimensions.Crest Length Float $MISSING_FIELD 3800.0
Dimensions.Structural Height Float $MISSING_FIELD 86.0
Identity.Name String $MISSING_FIELD "Agate Dam"
Identity.Watercourse String $MISSING_FIELD "Dry Creek"
Location.County String $MISSING_FIELD "Jackson"
Location.Latitude Float $MISSING_FIELD 42.4155
Location.Longitude Float $MISSING_FIELD -122.7723
Location.State String $MISSING_FIELD "Oregon"
Identity.Project.Organization String $MISSING_FIELD "Rogue River Basin"
Identity.Project.Year Integer $MISSING_FIELD 1965